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Each season offers something new, and each season brings a different vibe. Just like the seasons change, so does the common want for a new look! If you’re anything like me, you want a new du or two or three, for the new season. Spring is here and Summer is soon approaching. I don’t know about you, but I’m swapping out my jet-black, kinky-straight tresses for a blonde bombshell look or some juicy curls for an exotic destination vacation!

We all know women love accessories. Along with a woman's shoes & bags, her hair is the ultimate accessory. Let's face it, your hair can make or break your entire look. Every wig lover should have a wig collection in their arsenal. Let us jump into my top 5 styles you should add to your wig collection this Spring and Summer. Before we dive in, let me clarify, the wig type can be a closure wig, frontal wig, or full lace wig. It depends on your personal preference. In this article, we are going to focus on "must-have" shades and colors, textures, and styles.

First up, let’s talk highlights! We can all appreciate a rich, deep brown or a beautiful, jet-black hairstyle. Especially during the Fall & Winter seasons, but Spring is the perfect time to start lightening up your look. Why not kick off your Spring look with a light brown shade and dark blonde highlights? As Summer approaches you can always go lighter or add more highlights to the same wig and create an entirely new look. Whether you like to wear your hair, long and straight or short and wavy, deep curls or a sleek bob, the tones & dimensions of blonde highlights are sure to make any hairstyle pop!



Can you guess what the next wig is?! I mean, can you go through Spring and Summer without a curly or wavy texture of some type? Loose wave, deep wave, deep curl, etc. Spring and Summer are the seasons to let your curls thrive, preferably while on vacation. Keep in mind, curly hair is more maintenance compared to looser textures because it requires moisture almost daily. The beauty of curly hair wigs is the style options. If you want juicy, defined ringlets, daily moisture and hydration are required. If you like more volume or those effortlessly messy, big curls or bedhead waves, you can achieve those styles with 2 to 3-day-old curls. You can also straighten your curly wig for a sleek look and simply wet the hair for it to return to its natural curly texture. Make sure to add conditioner or some curl-defining cream to define those ringlets. However, just like your natural curls, if you straighten your curly wig too often, the curls will become looser over time. Regardess if you like to wear your hair short or long, curly hair should be in your wig rotation this Spring and Summer!


Bottom Right:RAVYN


Third is a charming, timeless staple….The Bob! This style has been around for decades and isn’t going anywhere. The bob is one of those styles that looks great in every season. The color, symmetry, length, and texture may vary over time, but the bob is forever THAT girl! A bob is the perfect style to add a bit of sass to your look, while still maintaining that sophisticated elegance. This ageless hairstyle is one of the most versatile looks, which flatters almost all women, young and mature. I prefer a short, straight bob with lots of body. Although a wavy and/or curly bob offers the best of both worlds. It's fun and flirty, but you can always straighten it for a chic, polished look. The average classic bob is usually between 10” and 12”. Depending on the look you’re trying to achieve, bobs vary in length. Ranging from 8”-16”, which would be considered a lob (long bob). It doesn’t matter how you style your bob, middle part, or side part, it’s an eternally feminine and stylish look that will not disappoint. You should have a bob in your wig collection, this season and every season.


Bottom: "KOURTNEY"

My second to last ‘must-have’ wig style this season, is one of my personal favorites, The Bang! Not only should you have a bang wig this season, but you should also keep a bang wig in your arsenal. Kinda like the bob, bangs are a low-maintenance hairstyle and looks great on most women. Bangs wigs are also a great protective style because it doesn’t require any sort of adhesive to blend or “melt” the lace. There is also the convenience of being able to put it on in just a matter of seconds. You should own a bang wig, just because of the time it saves when getting ready. You can have a sharp and stylish look in a matter of seconds with little to no fuss. A bonus with bang wigs, you don't have to worry about doing your brows! This Spring/Summer is more about the fringe bangs (think Naomi Campbell) and curtain bangs which are more 70’s inspired. (think Farrah Fawcett) If you're not ready to commit to full-on bangs, curtain bangs are a great alternative, either style will have you on-trend this season.

Last and definitely not least, drumroll, please... The breathtaking, Blonde Bombshell! If you’re looking to make a statement this Spring and Summer, step out of your comfort zone and try a blonde look. If you don't think you can pull off a blonde look, I assure you, you’re wrong! Blonde comes in so many different shades & tones, you just have to find the shade(s) that compliments your complexion the best. Platinum blondes and honey/caramel blonde highlights are just a couple of blondes that are trending this Spring and Summer. My personal favorite and what seems to be a favorite amongst my clients as well, are ash blondes. The ash tone usually compliments an array of skin tones, from very fair skin to very dark skin. Ash-blonde looks great in the Fall/Winter too. However, I would suggest a darker ash in the colder months.


Have fun and play around with some blonde shades. If you find yourself not feeling that particular shade, you can always switch your blonde hue to a different shade of blonde or a different color altogether. After all, it is a wig. As for styling your blonde tresses, the middle part or deep side part with messy waves or long and silky straight is popular this season. If you prefer less drama, a short, blonde bob wig is a fun and sophisticated look. They say, “Blondes have more fun”. From my personal experience, I agree. Go blonde this season and thank me later!

As both a wig aficionado and a wig stylist, it is a must that I share with you the latest trending, and my personal "must-have" looks for this season. Whether you decide to embrace every captivating style or simply opt for one transformative look this Spring and Summer, you’re bound to turn heads and receive an abundance of flattering compliments, with any of these “must-have” looks.


**If you’ve purchased a wig from MUSE Beauty Bar, you always have the option to choose our revamp services. You have the option to change the color, cut, and style. You can also replace your old closure or frontal if needed. A wig revamp can provide a completely different look!

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